Sempre gostei de ler, e sempre tive o hábito de registar citações e excertos dos livros, para reflectir ou simplesmente para mais tarde recordar.
Ler é viver! E viver é aprender. Hoje foi o excerto abaixo que me fez parar...
"For the first time in my life, I feel that
things after all, might change for the better. I have been a prisoner for too
long, a prisoner of my own self doubt, a prisoner of a loveless childhood, and
a life without experience and without joy. Now I feel an absolute certainty
that my life is about to change and become so different from what it has been
up until now. It is so simple. It has always been so simple. It is a matter of
choice, a matter of understanding that one’s freedom to choose is limited only
by courage and imagination. I have enough courage to choose, I hope; enough
imagination to understand that life may have more possibilities than I can
tell. So I have that freedom. I’ve always had that freedom, but it has taken
until tonight to realize it. (…)"
Paul Torday in The irresisteble inheritance of wilberforce